Jim Kohl "Give Me A Chance" Scholarship Fund

Most college scholarships these days are given to students who have excelled in their studies throughout their high school years or whose need is so great that college might not be possible without the help of generous private donors. But what about the “late bloomers”—those students who realize the value of education or find their own particular interests too late to maintain an enviable grade point average? Thanks to Jim Kohl, late bloomers in the Monroe Rural Fire Protection District have a chance at financial assistance in furthering their education.

The fund benefits students of Monroe High School who may have been underachievers in their freshman or sophomore years, which would exclude them from many other scholarship opportunities. The intent is that these students will be given the encouragement to continue their studies and become productive, contributing members of the community.

The scholarship is administered by the Monroe Rural Fire Protection District. A committee of volunteers from the areas of Alpine, Bellfountain, Irish Bend, and Monroe review the applications and interview all applicants individually. The scholarship is awarded to senior students to attend the college or university of their choice.